Domain-Specific Embeddings: Finance Edition (voyage-finance-2)

TL;DR – We are thrilled to launch our finance domain-specific embedding model voyage-finance-2, which demonstrates superior finance retrieval quality and outperformed competing models on financial retrieval datasets, with an average of 7% gain over OpenAI (the next best model) and 12% over Cohere. voyage-finance-2 supports a 32K context length-much larger than the other evaluated alternatives. voyage-finance-2 is latest addition to our domain-specific embedding model portfolio, which includes voyage-law-2 (legal retrieval) and voyage-code-2 (code retrieval).

Domain-specific customization of embedding models is key to solving challenging retrieval problems. Embedding models typically have no more than 10 billion parameters due to latency constraints.  Therefore, rationing the parameter capacity to specific domains is necessary and sufficient to achieve excellent performance in those areas. Our past domain-specific embedding models enhance retrieval accuracy significantly — boosting response quality in Gen AI applications in expertise-intensive domains, such as code and law. Today, we’re excited to launch and add voyage-fiannce-2— optimized for finance retrieval— to our portfolio of cutting-edge domain-specific embedding models.

Quantitative Evaluation

Datasets. We evaluate voyage-finance-2 on 11 finance retrieval datasets spanning financial news, public filings, finance advice, and financial reports. These datasets are not seen during training. Most notably, we evaluate on TAT-QA, a large-scale question-answering dataset requiring some numerical reasoning over a hybrid of tabular and textual data. The following table provides a summary of the datasets.

Trade-the-eventCorporate event news and summary
RAG benchmark
Questions about publicly traded companies and relevant public filings
FinanceBenchQuestions about publicly traded companies and relevant public filings
TAT-QAQuestions on a hybrid of tabular and textual content in finance
Finance AlpacaFinance advice question-answering
FIQA Personal FinanceQuestions and answers about personal finance
Stock News SentimentsCorporate event news and summary
ConvFinQAQuestion-answer pairs over financial reports
FinQAQuestion-answer pairs over financial reports
News stocksFinance news and summary
HC3 financeFinance advice question-answering

Models and Metrics. We evaluate voyage-finance-2 and three other baselines—Mistral (mistral-embed), OpenAI v3 large (text-embedding-3-large), and Cohere English v3 (embed-english-v3.0). Given a query, we retrieve the top-10 documents based on cosine similarities and report the normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG@10), a standard metric for retrieval quality and a variant of the recall.

Results. The following table lists the NDCG@10 for each dataset.

Datasetvoyage-finance-2MistralOpenAI v3 largeCohere English v3
RAG benchmark
Finance Alpaca0.7860.7340.7590.678
FIQA Personal Finance0.7750.7740.7610.647
Stock News Sentiments0.8460.8360.8330.797
News stocks0.8430.8420.8100.792
HC3 finance0.6900.6740.6590.508

voyage-fiance-2 is the top performing model across all of the evaluation datasets, with an average of 7% gain over OpenAI (the next best model) and 12% better than Cohere. Also, at 32K, the context length of voyage-finance-2 is much larger than the other evaluated models— Mistral and OpenAI v3 large at 8K and Cohere English v3 at 512.

Try voyage-finance-2!

Domain-specific embedding models have been shown to enhance the retrieval quality significantly for their domains. Now, with voyage-finance-2, you can turbo charge your Gen AI applications with finance retrieval. If you have used other Voyage embeddings, you just need to specify voyage-finance-2 as the model parameter (for both the corpus and queries).  Head over to our docs to learn more. We can’t wait to see what domain-specific applications you build with these embeddings models!

If you’re interested in early access to more upcoming domain-specific or finetuning embeddings, we’d love to hear from you and please email [email protected].  Follow us on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn for more updates!


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